Aisha Matthews

Graduate Student, The Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Aisha is the Managing Editor of the MOSF Journal of Science Fiction and the Director of Literary Programming for the Museum of Science Fiction’s annual Escape Velocity Conference. Her research centers on black feminism, science and speculative fictions, cultural futurisms (most specifically, Afrofuturism), African American literature, biopolitics, disability studies, and literary postmodernism. In addition to various journal publications, her first book chapter, "Conspiracies of the Flesh: Disciplinary Power and Female Embodiment in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale,” was published in the collection, Critical Insights: Conspiracies in 2020. As a public speaker, Aisha has given interviews with local DC media outlet, Behind the Mind Radio, and most recently, on NPR’s Science Friday series to discuss New Suns, a collection of speculative fiction by people of color edited by Nisi Shawl. Perhaps most importantly, Aisha is committed to the advancement of antiracist pedagogy and inclusive practices within the academy and its surrounding institutions. Learn more about her work at