Bonnie Thornton Dill named co-PI on Values-Enacted Leadership Institute
October 22, 2024

Dr. Dill joins researchers from Michigan State University, Carnegie Mellon, the European University Institute and the Modern Language Association at the Values-Enacted Leadership Institute
Bonnie Thornton Dill, Professor in WGSS and Dean Emerita of the College of Arts and Humanities, has been named a co-principal investigator of the Values-Enacted Leadership Institute at the University of Oregon. Earlier this month, the University of Oregon was awarded a $650,000 grant to established the new institute which aims to transform the culture of leadership in higher education. Over the next three years, the institute will host summer workshops in Oregon for teams of humanities faculty, administration, and staff from universities across the United States.
Dr. Thornton Dill is joined by co-principal investigators Provost Chris Long (University of Oregon), Jason Rhody (Senior Director of Engagement Strategy, Modern Language Association), Nicky Agate (Assocation Dean for Academic Engagement, Carnegie Mellon University), and Simone Sacchi (Research Data Librarian, European University Institute and humane metrics initiative project managers Penny Weber and Bonnie Russell from Michigan State University.
Congratulations Dr. Thornton Dill!
University of Oregon's announcement