February 15, 2022

Join the Harriet Tubman Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality as we celebrate Harriet Tubman's Bicentennial
The Harriet Tubman Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality's annual Harriet Tubman Day this year will celebrate Harriet Tubman's Bicentennial. We are honored to have special guests Dr. Julie Schablitsky, Chief Archaeologist with the Cultural Resources Division of the Maryland Department of Transportation's State Highway Administration; and Ms. Ernestine “Tina” Wyatt, Harriet Tubman's great-great-great grandniece, and two representatives from Baltimore's Village of Love and Resistance (VOLAR).
Held on Thursday, March 10th, 2022, this year’s theme, “Reclaiming Histories | Creating Futures,” considers Harriet Tubman’s historical presence in Dorchester County, Maryland, before her self-emancipation and Tubman’s ongoing legacy towards “freedom” as a daily politic and practice.
Registration is required to receive the webinar link, please register here.
Program Schedule
12:00 Noon Welcome and Announcements:
- Dr. Neda Atanasoski, Professor and Chair, The Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
12:05 - 12:15 pm Opening Remarks:
- Dean Bonnie Thornton Dill, College of Arts and Humanities
- Dr. Michelle V. Rowley, Harriet Tubman Day Organizer, Associate Professor, The Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
12:15 – 12:35 Descendants of Harriet Ross Tubman
- Ms. Ernestine “Tina” Wyatt (UMD Alum), Ashley Jackson, and Lauren J. Wyatt
12:40 – 1:15 pm Harriet Tubman: Justice as Legacy
- Dr. Marisela Gomez , The Village of Love and Resistance (VOLAR), Community Organizing, East Baltimore, MD
- Moderator: Lenora Knowles, Doctoral Student, WGSS
1:20 – 1:50 pm Harriet Tubman: Civic Engagement and Public Pedagogies
Undergraduate Student Panel
- Panelists: Brooke Mengistu, Janae Smith, and Sydney Neal
- Moderator: Dr. Michelle V. Rowley, Faculty, WGSS
1:55 – 2:30 pm The Archaeology of Harriet Tubman
- Dr. Julie Schablitsky Chief of the Cultural Resources Division at the Maryland Department of Transportation; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, UMD
- Moderator: Christina Wolfrey, Undergraduate Student, Black Women’s Studies Minor, WGSS
2:30 Closing
Please check back for more information on the speakers and the schedule.