Summer 2022 Course Registration is Open
February 25, 2022

The Department is excited to offer several LGBT & WGSS courses this Summer
Session 1: May 31, 2022 - July 8, 2022
LGBT200 Intro to LGBTQ Studies
Section WB11 GenEd: DSHS, DVUP Instructor: Damien Hagen
An interdisciplinary study of the historical and social contexts of personal, cultural and political aspects of LGBT life. Sources from a variety of fields, such as anthropology, history, psychology, sociology, and women’s studies, focusing on writings by and about LGBTQ+ people.
WGSS 250 Intro to WGSS: Art and Culture
Section WB11 GenEd: DSHU, DVUP Instructor: Eva Peskin
An examination of women’s creative powers as expressed in selected examples of music, film, art, drama, poetry, fiction, and other literature. Explores women’s creativity in relation to families, religion, education, ethnicity, class, sexuality, and within a cultural tradition shaped by women. This class explores women’s roles as producers, subjects, consumers, and critics of art in the past, present, and future. Drawing on music, literature, performance, crafts, visual, and multimedia genres, we will situate art in conversation with sociopolitical movements on behalf of social justice. We will focus on how women’s creativity intersects with other dimensions of identity, including race, class, sexuality, and ability, in our increasingly digital world.
WGSS 290 Bodies in Contention
Section WB11 GenEd: DSHS, DVUP, SCIS Instructor: Sydney Lewis
Explores the contributions of feminist scholarship in framing and resolving contemporary controversies concerning gendered bodies. It includes the ways in which knowledge about the human body has been shaped by cultural ideas of gender, race, sexuality and ability.
Session 2: July 11 - August 19, 2022
LGBT398G Special Topics in LGBTQ Studies; Black Trans Studies
Section WB21 GenEd: DVUP Instructor: Amira Lundy-Harris
This course will introduce students to significant strands of thought in the field of Black trans studies. As Susan Stryker argues, "the field of transgender studies...represents a significant and ongoing critical engagement with some of the most trenchant issues in contemporary humanities, social science, and biomedical research." Centering Black trans studies offers a framework for entering conversations on some of societys most critical topics.
WGSS 250 Intro to WGSS: Art and Culture
Section WB21 GenEd: DSHU, DVUP Instructor: Clara Montague
An examination of women’s creative powers as expressed in selected examples of music, film, art, drama, poetry, fiction, and other literature. Explores women’s creativity in relation to families, religion, education, ethnicity, class, sexuality, and within a cultural tradition shaped by women. This class explores women’s roles as producers, subjects, consumers, and critics of art in the past, present, and future. Drawing on music, literature, performance, crafts, visual, and multimedia genres, we will situate art in conversation with sociopolitical movements on behalf of social justice. We will focus on how women’s creativity intersects with other dimensions of identity, including race, class, sexuality, and ability, in our increasingly digital world.
WGSS 290 Bodies in Contention
Section WB21 GenEd: DSHS, DVUP, SCIS Instructor: Jaime Madden
Explores the contributions of feminist scholarship in framing and resolving contemporary controversies concerning gendered bodies. It includes the ways in which knowledge about the human body has been shaped by cultural ideas of gender, race, sexuality and ability.
Session 2-C July 11, 2022 - July 29, 2022
LGBT 327/ ENGL 359F: LGBTQ+ Film and Video
Section WB41 GenEd: DSHU and DVUP Instructor: James Goodwin
Comparative analysis of forms, themes, and the politics of representation in film and video by and/or about LGBT people. This course begins from the premise that movies are designed to give us a variety of meaningful viewing experiences, sometimes pleasurable, sometimes not. The class teaches a range of analytical approaches for understanding how films create meanings and what those meanings may be. In this course, we will trace both the diversity and similarities between global and Western representations of what we call homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender identities as represented in film and video.
WGSS 200 Intro to WGSS: Gender, Power, and Society
Section WB21 GenEd: DSHS, DVUP Instructor: Adreana Nattiel
Examines constructions of race, class, sexuality, ability, and gender relations from a social science multi-disciplinary perspective. The course interrogates the ways that systems of hierarchy and privilege are created, enforced, and intersect through the language of race, class, sexuality, and national belonging. The course will provide students with the skills to examine how systems of power manifest in areas such as poverty, division of labor, health disparities, policing, violence. In addition to examining the impact of systems of power, students will reflect on their own location within the exercise of racialized, and gendered power relations. This course encourages students to understand and critique these systems both personally and politically.