Examining Data Science Through an Equity Lens
The Computer Science and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies departments collaborated on a new cross-listed course.
Find the latest news and information from the department, including student experiences, faculty research and awards, and alumni updates.
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The Potomac Center for the Study of Modernity and the Miller Center for Historical Studies teamed up for the first time to organize the discussion.
Six ARHU faculty received emeriti status from UMD in Fall 2016.
Nine ARHU doctoral students receive 2016-17 Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowships.
EIGHT ARHU graduate students receive 2016-17 Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowships.
From Pussy Riot to Caribbean literature by women, Elle Magazine highlights three UMD courses offered this fall.
ARHU profs in English and Women’s Studies make exceptional contributions to graduate education.
Miles, critical race, disability and gender scholar, was honored for her advocacy work on behalf of disability rights.
Horton-Stallings’ new book offers a revitalizing discussion of black sexuality, literature and art from the perspective of funk culture.
Congratulations to the new leaders in the College of Arts and Humanities.
Women's Studies Professor Bobby Benedicto talks about his ethnographic work "Under Bright Lights."